Looking for Hood, Gressens, and Wroe
In July, 1952, my sister appeared on the radio program, Double or Nothing.
It was broadcast from Los Angeles. There were four contestants who answered
questions, and with each correct answer they doubled their money.
(All the way up to forty dollars!) The "quiz" format was just an excuse for
the host, Walter O'Keefe, to interview and clown around with the contestants.
I have an old recording of the program that I recently converted to digital, cleaned up, and put on a CD
for my sister. Now, I'd like to locate the other three contestants who were
on that program and offer them a copy of the CD.
Here's what I know about them (as of 1952):
- Joyce Hood
- From St. Helena, CA
- Age 18 (?) in 1952 (now about 82)
- Attended Hollywood High School
- Clerk at Thrifty's Candy Department
- Might have studied nursing at UCLA
- Herb Gressens or Herbert Gressens
- From Wilmette, IL
- Age 42 in 1952 (now about 106 -- okay, so now I'm looking for a relative)
- Spent two and a half years in the Navy
- Unmarried in 1952
- Salesman for Culligan Soft Water
- Henry Wroe
- Private First Class, Ft. Knox and Augsburg, Germany
- Airborne troops, photographic laboratory technician
- Age 19 in 1952 (now about 83)
If you are one of these people, or know of them, please contact me at:
jmat AT (TAKE-THIS-OUT) mac DOT com
Updated: January 8, 2004, March 7, 2016