“Scheduler” for the iPhone


If your schedule varies from week to week, keeping track of your working days can be a chore, and it’s often difficult to quickly figure out when you’ll be on-duty weeks or months in the future.

Scheduler to the rescue!  Designed for public-service employees such as police officers, firefighters and health-care workers — anyone who works an unusual but predictable schedule — Scheduler always shows your schedule for the next two years from “today.”  Common shift schedules are built-in, such as the “Berkeley” (a.k.a. “California”), “48-96” and “Dupont,” but you can easily change them or create an other repeating schedules covering any number of days.  See the screenshots for some examples.  And there’s even a “Doofus” mode for showing irregular schedules.

If your spouse/partner works a shift schedule, too, you can have that entirely different rotation appear on the calendar with yours.  This will help you organize family activities such as vacations and day-care.

The Buddy System, LLC

Copyright 2010


  1. Displays your schedule for the next two years  (continuously), including vacations and holidays.

  2. Perfect for public-service workers such as police officers and firefighters.

  3. Records trades (swaps). Tracks hours earned or owed on a person-by-person basis.

  4. Formats emails for sending out trade offers and approval requests.

  5. Maintains a record of your OT hours.

  6. Tracks your vacation time: automatically computes hours earned and shows weekly balances.  Also records and totals sick time.

  7. Logs “events” with date, time and location — you can edit the title, text, and location details when you have time.  Event locations can be mapped.

  8. iCal events are integrated.

  9. Overlays an entirely separate schedule for your spouse/partner to help you coordinate your lives.

  10. Totals your hours for each week and month, and accounts for trades and vacation days.

  11. Adjustable colors for shifts, vacations, Kelly days, holidays, etc.

  12. Mark special days such as Kellys, paydays, “early” shifts, or training days.

  13. Countdown to retirement.

  14. Tutorial mode: help and tips for every screen.

     iPhone and iPod touch -- OS 3.0 or later.

Visualize Your Shift Schedule