
Buddy HELP File

Viewed in Filer by pushing F1-F1
           100Buddy/200Buddy® Release 3 - Help Display
*                Special Features and Functions                *

  "EXM" is the system manager-compliant program that is used to
        set 100Buddy/200Buddy configuration values.
  "COM" is the main TSR program.  It is usually loaded via your
        AUTOEXEC.BAT.  It will operate on a 100LX or a 200LX.
  "ENV" is the Buddy environment file.  By default it is
        C:\_DAT\BUDDY.ENV.  Buddy creates this file.
  "OWN" is the Buddy owner information file.  By default it is
        C:\_DAT\BUDDY.OWN.  You create this file.  See Fn-F.
  "Fx"  is one of the function keys, F1 through F10.
  "gray" keys are the numeric keypad and arithmetic keys.
        On the 200LX, they aren't exactly gray.

General shortcuts: MENU . quit (saves the open file if necessary) MENU q quit if "Save changes before quitting?", then another q will quit without saving, or . will save file, then quit. MENU q. quit (saves work file) MENU qq quit (without saving file) CTRL-MINUS will turn off the Buddy keyboard and most of the display features. CTRL-PLUS will turn Buddy back on (use after CTRL-MINUS). MENU DEL MassExit (close all apps, return to TOPCARD). MENU-SHIFT-DEL unload sysmgr and (optionally) Buddy. Fn-K will display the 16-bit keycode of the next key pressed, including the scancode and ASCII value, if any. (Above F1.) Fn-PLUS (paste) immediately thereafter will output (type) the keycode as four hexadecimal characters (use in Memo). SHIFT SHIFT will toggle the caps lock state. In menus, SPACE will act as a down arrow. Fn-F will turn off the machine and require you to enter your password when the machine is powered on. If an alarm is sounding, enter your password, then acknowledge the alarm. The default password is null (no password). The password can be changed in registered copies only. No protection method is totally secure. See manual for details. Too many incorrect attempts will cause C:_\DAT\BUDDY.OWN to be viewed. You create this file. If that file cannot be found, your TOPCARD will be shown. Methods: Scramble: Scramble display (but not if alarm). TopCard: Show the TOPCARD. This will not be seen if DOS is active. Also, DOS, if open, will remain open behind the TOPCARD. You must reactivate and close DOS manually. None: No display change. Fn-Q turn the beeper off (quiet keyboard mode). Fn-W turn the beeper back on (may be automatic). F1 F1 view this help file (it must be in the same directory as the ENV); ESC will return to the application. Each Fn-key label comes from the system macro's description field (if used) or the content field of the macro. Unknown labels appear as numbers. When Fn is pushed, the first character of the current macro filename appears to the left of the F1 label. Upper-case means the designated macro file will be loaded automatically when a macro is invoked. Fn-\x load macro file 'x' and temporarily inhibit auto macro file loading (letter designations will be lower case). Fn-\\ (backslash) will load the macro file specified for the current application (if the multiple macro feature is on) and remove the temporary auto-load inhibit, if on. Fn-\x load macro file 'x' and temporarily inhibit auto macro file loading (letter designations will be lower case). Fn-\-ESC remove temporary auto-load inhibit, if on.
Keyboard Translations (enabled via the EXM): K Double-click the letter keys or the gray keys for the K shifted character (this feature must be enabled in various K applications via the EXM). Note: the "gray" keys are the K numeric keypad buttons; on the 200LX, they are black. K Fn-L toggles d-letter on/off (except in DOS w/o sysmgr). K Fn-G toggles d-gray on/off (except in DOS w/o sysmgr). K \\ (double backslash) converts to ':' (a single colon). K DEL immediately after a translation will undo a d-click. K In certain apps and when enabled via the EXM, the blue keys K can be swapped with their shifted blue-key symbols, either K all the time or just after pressing an alphanumeric key. K Double-clicking a blue key will start the application K assigned to the CTRL-blue key.
SmartCaps®: SC Fn-S toggles on/off. The status indicator on the title bar SC shows only in Memo and full-screen notes. SC Automatically shifts or capitalizes: SC (a) first letter of a sentence, SC (b) gray keys when appropriate and if enabled via the EXM, SC (c) the word "I" (unless disabled via the EXM), and SC (d) words immediately preceded by ".". SC You must double click letters to capitalize proper nouns SC and abbreviations. Use "ffbbii" to obtain "FBI". SC If "dot after white space" is checked (allowing full-word SC capitalization), then d-letter will only work on the SC first letter of a word. Use ".xxx" to obtail "XXX". SC Also enables d-gray inhibit after white-space dot. SC DEL immediately after a conversion will undo the operation. SC Abbeviations of the form "x.y." or words followed by a SC period-comma (as in "etc.,") will not be end-of-sentences. SC If "Capitalize 'i'" is NOT checked (an Int'l mode), then DEL SC after 'i'-white space will toggle 'i' capitalization mode. SC If "Auto d-gray" is enabled in the EXM and if d-gray is OFF: SC (a) single-stroked numeral keys will produce their d-gray SC characters, and SC (b) comma after white-space temporarily restores numerals. SC SmartCaps is a complex feature. Please read the details in SC the users manual.
Open/Save/Insert File screens: OSF Navigate using the arrow keys. OSF F1 through F8 are directory file presets. The current OSF keyset number appears between the F4 and F5 labels. OSF Use '+' and '-' to change keysets. OSF SHIFT-Fx will set the corresponding F-key preset. OSF DEL DEL will return to the application's default directory. OSF SHIFT-DEL will store the current directory as the default. OSF = or \\ produces : OSF In the file list window, a backslash or '.' will move you OSF up one directory level. At the root level, such keys OSF will change between the A and C drives.
Application links (from Memo, Appt, Phone, NoteTaker, Database): L Fn-P links to Phone using the note-field, Appt description, L or Memo file word at the cursor. L Fn-D links to Database (using the same method as Fn-P). L Fn-N links to NoteTaker (using the same method as Fn-P). L (Optional) An EXM setting forces the first word to be used. L If used from the list screen, the first word of the note L field is used. L (Optional) Use "P@word1," "D@word2," or "N@word3" to L specify different words for each of those applications. L (Optional) In Appt, use the description field. L Fn-M links to Memo using the current ">filename" line or the L first ">filename" line. If "filename" does not include a L drive and directory specification, then the active L application's default directory is used (per the EXM). L Example link entries ('>' must be in column 1); L P@smith N@pools D@lexington <--words for the 3 Dbase apps L anotherword <--used if cursor is on word L >bigfile <--Memo file, app's def dir L >c:\work\datafile.aaa <--Memo file, full pathname L When both types of links are present, put the database app L link words BEFORE the memo link lines, as shown above. L Fn-A creates an appointment using a clip or current record. L From list or record screens: uses Smart Clip ">". L From Full Note or Memo: uses current line. L Fn-T creates a Todo using the method for Fn-A, above.
FILER shortcuts: F Main battery status, voltage, and usage timer are shown on F the title bar. The battery power-off timeout value is in F parentheses. F RAM: is the largest available block of system RAM. F The comma key will go to DOS and start a specified program F with the highlighted filename as an argument. The default F comma hotkey and program are specified via the EXM. F F ENTER will operate on the highlighted name as follows: F (a) executes a COM or EXE file, F (b) executes or views a BAT file, based on an EXM setting F (exception: "AUTOEXEC.BAT" will not be executed), F (c) changes directories, F (d) otherwise, views the file. F CTRL-ENTER executes BAT files, regardless of the EXM setting. F Use CTRL-ENTER for the undocumented FILER.INI in the 200LX. F F When using "split" display mode: F CTRL-LEFT arrow will move up one directory level. F '.' or backslash will also move up one directory level. F CTRL-RIGHT arrow will execute COM and EXE files, execute F or view a BAT file, change directories, or view a file F (same as ENTER, above). F When using "full" display mode: F CTRL-arrows operate as in split mode, above. F LEFT arrow will move up one directory level. F '.' or backslash will also move up one directory level. F RIGHT arrow will view a file or change a directory. F F When viewing a file: F ENTER and Fn-I will automatically open the file using the F appropriate application based on the file's extension. F (try: highlight file ENTER ENTER) Note: .MAC files F must be in the "Macros" default directory, per the EXM. F Fn-I will open the file in Memo using "insert". F RIGHT arrow or CTRL-RIGHT, same as ENTER, above. F UP and DOWN arrows moves through the text by pages. F SPACE moves down one page. F Fn-UP and Fn-DOWN move text by lines. F LEFT arrow or CTRL-LEFT returns to file view (same as ESC). F F F2 F2 create a directory F F3 F3 rename a file F Fn-PLUS increase the power-off timeout value F Fn-MINUS decrease the power-off timeout value F '=' will go the text search mode. After a failed search, F '=' will start a new search. F File sort mode commands: F CTRL-F sort by file name (default) F CTRL-E sort by extension F CTRL-D sort by date F CTRL-S sort by size F \ backup one directory level (in Goto, \\ will become ':') F . (dot) backup one directory level F - (minus) serial port off (twice to lock port off) F + (plus) serial port on F = (equal sign) if in "Goto", '=' will be a colon.
HP SETUP features: S Main display shows: S main and backup battery voltages S battery usage timer in hours S Unregistered copies show a Buddy usage counter; Buddy S stops helping at 300. Reboot to reactivate Buddy. S CTRL-C reset battery usage timer to zero. S CTRL-U manually increase the battery usage timer. S CTRL-D manually decrease the battery usage timer.
MEMO and Full Notes shortcuts: M F6 (Swap) will swap the character at the cursor with the M next character. M F7 (Case) changes case of the character at cursor and M advances the cursor to the next position. M SHIFT-F7 (Word Case) changes case of the word at the cursor. M F8 (Repeat) repeat the previous edit. M The above features are not available in formatted Memo files. M When text is highlighted using the "sticky shift" feature, M the alphanumeric keys, ENTER, backspace, and DEL will M perform an automatic cut first. M Use ESC or SHIFT SHIFT to cancel sticky highlight mode. M Use paste to undo a cut operation. M When '1' (the "tornado") is showing on the title bar, SHIFT M is not required for the blue-key symbols. DEL will undo. M CTRL-DEL will delete to the end-of-the-line if the cursor M is not at column 1. M CTRL-BACKSPACE will delete to the start-of-the-line if the M cursor is not at column 1. Then, CTRL-BACKSPACE will M delete the previous line. M CTRL-ENTER (optional ENTER) autoIndent. M DEL after AutoIndent will undo. M MEMOB key will goto the Goto screen (if enabled in the EXM). M Bookmarks: M MENU-numeral (1-9) recalls a bookmark. M MENU-zero recalls an automatic bookmark placed at the last M line edited. M SHIFT-MENU-numeral (1-9) sets a bookmark to the current M line. M Search string (Find mode): M F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, and F8 will recall a search string. M SHIFT-Fx will set a search string. M After a failed search, the arrow keys will return you to M edit mode, an alphanumeric key will start a new search M string, and F4, F10, and ENTER are valid. M "=nnn" or "=e" on line 1, position 4, will cause automatic M cursor positioning to line "nnn" or the end of the file.
PHONE, DATABASE, and NOTETAKER shortcuts: P During a record search, the index mode will be restored P after time delay. P ESC ESC will mean "no" if appropriate and enabled in the EXM. P RIGHT arrow from the list view will open the data card. P ESC while at a main screen will start Magnify!, via Fn-1 by P default. (Magnify! is a product of ACE Technologies.)
APPOINTMENT shortcuts: A 'n' in a Start or Stop Time fields will enter "12:00 pm". A 't' in Start Date field will enter today' date. A d-gray is inhibited in Date, Time and Priority fields. A Fn-STAR schedules an immediate daily greeting (200LX only). A '+' and '-' change date by one week (and if enabled in Todo). A Use the space bar to toggle todos.
LOTUS 123 shortcuts: 123 o is a pseudonym for "retrieve" (as in "MENU f o"). 123 q during quit, is a pseudonym for "yes, end 1-2-3". 123 MENU . will quit 123, saving your worksheet if necessary. 123 CTRL-v will paste as a value a number previously copied 123 from Calc. 123 F1 F2 will go to the @Functions in Help.
CALC shortcuts: C p % (percent) C y ^ (exponent) C s Clear stack C r Clear registers C d Clear data C i ( (left paren) C o ) (right paren) C q will quit (if the 'q' is otherwise invalid). C UP and DOWN arrows will roll the stack up and down in Math, C Arithmetic, and Custom modes. C MENU= toggles between fixed pt and other (previous) format. C MENU-n sets the number of digits displayed (n).
&MORE featues: & Main battery status, voltage, and usage timer are shown on & the icon screen. The battery power-off timeout value is in & parentheses. & - (minus) serial port off (twice to lock port off) & + (plus) serial port on & Separate characters to the right are the first letters of & the macro files for which the labels are known (3 max). & Fn-PLUS increase the power-off timeout value & Fn-MINUS decrease the power-off timeout value
WorldTime map overlay: W The map overlay operates only in registered versions. W In automatic mode, the overlay shows the current sun and W moon locations and the day/night terminator. The moon's W phase can be decerned by its position relative to the sun. W To enter "manual" date/time mode, push the LEFT or RIGHT W arrow. Then, use the arrow keys, '+', '-', or numerals to W set a date and time. DEL will enter the current date and W time. To exit manual mode, push ESC. W Great Circle controls: W = toggles feature off, on (shortest segment), on (full). W , (comma) select map-point #1 and set to WorldTime city. W . (dot) select map-point #2 and set to WorldTime city. W 0 toggle map-point between #1 and #2. W 12346789 move selected map-point in compass direction. W 5 restore selected map-point to city (revert). W Lower right indicator shows selected map-point (Dot, Comma) W and the longitude of that point relative to the other W map-point. E.g. "D" means the "dot" point is to the W right of the other ("comma") point.
DOS shortcuts: D MENU . exit. The exit string can be specified in the EXM. D MENU-Alt-MINUS serial port off and lock D MENU-Alt-PLUS serial port on D The blue-key translations do not operate in DOS.
DOS-only "lite" version: DO Includes SmartCaps, d-letter, d-gray, and battery control. DO CTRL-PLUS (if Buddy is already enabled) prints battery info. DO When in sysmgr, push CTRL-PLUS to enable SmartCaps, DO d-letter, and d-gray translations. The MENU key or any DO blue key will disable the translations. DO MENU-SHIFT-DEL will unload Buddy. DO Other controls (described above): Fn-Q (quiet), Fn-W, Fn-C, DO Fn-S, Fn-L, Fn-G. DO The lite version is functional only in registered copies.
International Features: I Certain Buddy keystrokes may interfere with operations in I non-English languages. The following EXM controls may help: I Checkbox to require MENU before special Fn keys. I Checkbox to restore built-in Fn-A, Fn-I, Fn-N, Fn-T, Fn-K. I Checkbox to disable 'i' SmartCaps capitalization. If off, I DEL after i-space will toggle internal "smart-i" state. I Checkbox to use d-gray characters for SmartCaps post-gray. I Checkbox to allow single-clicks of numeral keys to obtain I d-gray character assignments. I Buddy was not designed to operate on non-English language I versions of the 100LX/200LX. Many Buddy functions will be I inoperative on non-English language machines,
Fn-key function summary: Fn-A create an appointment (link) Fn-D link to DataBase Fn-G toggle d-gray on/off Fn-I (Filer) open in Memo using "Insert" (link) Fn-K display 16-bit keycode Fn-L toggle d-letter on/off Fn-M link to Memo Fn-N link to NoteTaker Fn-Q quiet mode, turn beeper off Fn-S toggle SmatCaps on/off Fn-T create a ToDo entry (link) Fn-W turn beeper on Fn-PLUS (Filer, &More) increment power-off timer Fn-MINUS (Filer, &More) decrement power-off timer Fn-STAR daily greeting (Appt, 200LX) Fn-\x load macro file 'x' and turn on temporary inhibit Fn-\\ load appropriate macro file for active application Fn-\-ESC remove temporary macro-file load inhibit
Special note for 200LX users: If you use the password logic built into to 200LX, be sure Buddy is OFF when you set your password. That can be done by pushing CTRL-MINUS before typing the "password" command in DOS. This is necessary to prevent Buddy features from accidentally affecting your password definition.
Boot commands (during the 100Buddy or 200Buddy banner): Press "*" to pause until next key. Press "-" to abort installation (Buddy will not load).
AUTOEXEC.BAT commands and arguments: "BUDDY.COM envfile" where "envfile" is an optional pathname for the ENV file.
Registration information: Shareware registration fee: $40.00 USD, cash, check, or International Postal Money Order. All checks must have a U.S. bank address. Sorry, no credit cards or Eurocheques. Please fill in the registration form (REGISTER.TXT or the last page of BUDDY.TXT). Send it to: The Buddy System, LLC P.O. Box 45282 Madison, WI 53744-5282 Registration can also be done via CompuServe GO SWREG (#2101).
Support: CompuServe e-mail: 71044,2356 and the HPHAND forum (best). Internet email: (see web site) World Wide Web: http://mat.buddy.com Phone: (608)-831-1103 evenings only, U.S. Central time zone. Author: Jeffrey Mattox
"Buddy" and "SmartCaps" are registered trademarks of Jeffrey Mattox.

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Updated: April 1, 1997