Buddy Software and Support
The files below are available for download.
Caution: When you unpack a ZIP file, reformat a DOC file, or transfer files to your palmtop, be careful that you don't accidentally add linefeed characters (LF) to non-text files. If you are using a Macintosh, like me, some utilities will automatically add LFs or remove LFs from text files and, very inappropriately, alter binary (program) files. Changing a binary file will corrupt the program and likely crash your LX. Also, when you transfer a file from your desktop to your palmtop, be sure the transfer is mode is "binary" (not "text"), or else similar corruption will occur. Using an incorrect transfer mode is the most common reason why a new program does not work on the palmtop.
Buddy for the HP 100LX and HP 200LX
Distribution files:
BUDDY.ZIP,* Version 3.0b for the 100LX and the 200LX. April 7, 1997. Contains COM and EXM binaries and complete documentation. Includes BUDDY.COM, BUDDYDOS.COM, BUDDY.EXM, BUDDY.ICN, BUDDY.HLP, BUDDY.TXT, README, and other files. (135K)
Documentation files:
- BUDDY.TXT. This is included in the BUDDY.ZIP file, above.
- BUDDOC.ZIP,* After unzipping, this will be a Microsoft Word 6 format DOC file. It looks pretty much the same as BUDDY.TXT, but the page numbers match the table of contents, and you can alter the format. (68K)
Other files:
- BUDUMP.ZIP,* After unzipping, this will be BUDUMP.EXE, a DOS program that will display all of your Buddy.ENV settings. (10K)
- UNZIP.EXE,* unziper for extracting files from a ".ZIP" archive. (27K)
* NOTICE: To download these files, it might be necessary to click and hold on the link until a pop-up list appears, then select "Save this link as...." and use "Source" mode (Netscpae Navigator) or "Download link to disk" (Internet Explorer). If you are unfortunate enough to be using a PC instead of a Mac, you might have to use your right mouse button. :-)
Buddy for the HP 95LX
Distribution files:
- 95BUDDY.ZIP,* Version 3.1c for the 95LX. Contains the binary and complete documentation. Includes 95BUDDY.COM and 95BUDDY.TXT. (131K)
Discussions and smart people (some of these may no longer be active):
- CompuServe: GO HPHAND, section #11 (100LX/200LX General)
- CompuServe: GO HPHAND, section #9 (95LX General)
- AOL: The PDA Forum (keyword: PDA), "HP-Handhelds" message board.
- Internet: Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.palmtops
Web: http://mat.buddy.com (x)<--- you are here!
Snail mail:
Jeffrey Mattox
The Buddy System, LLC
P.O. Box 45282
Madison, WI 53744-5282
voice: (608) 831-1103 evenings after 7:00pm U.S. central time only.
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Updated: June 9, 2003