Buddy.EXM Features
The EXM is a sysmgr-compliant program that allows certain parameters
that affect the operation of Buddy to be viewed and changed.
Instructions for installing BUDDY.EXM appear near the start of this
EXM Window summary:
On the main screen, hit a hot key to go directly to a specific settings
screen, or use the arrow keys to select a desired screen and push
You can change windows from any screen by using the standard MENU-key
method, by pushing F7 or F8, or via the Fn-UP (PGUP) and Fn-Down (PGDN)
keys. The Fn-HOME or Fn-END arrow keys will take you to the first or
last settings window, respectively.
Selecting MENU File Abort will revert the settings back to their
original values. If the EXM is quit using this menu selection, changes
made in the EXM or by the TSR since the EXM was last started (not just
reactivated) will be canceled. The 200LX daily greeting time, however,
will not be reset.
[The default control settings are shown in square brackets.]
- "Buddy.COM Status"
The current status of the COM (active, inactive, or not
loaded), and the database in use by the COM program (using
default, using the ENV file, or using values recently sent over
from the EXM).
- "ENV file"
The name of the ENV file read by the COM and in use by the
- Hotkeys
You may go directly to a particular settings screen by pushing
the character assigned to the desired screen For example,
hitting `s' while at the main status screen will take you
directly to the "SmartCaps" settings screen.
You can use the arrow keys to select a settings screen from the list in
the middle of the window. Space or ENTER will take you to the selected
File Menu
- "Abort (revert, no save)"
Restores the settings to their values as they were when the EXM
was opened and does not write any changes to the ENV file.
- "Exit"
Quit. Automatically sends new settings to the COM and saves
the settings in the ENV file.
Settings Menu
The settings menu allows you to choose one of the settings screens. You
can also use hotkeys on the main status screen or F7 or F8 to move to
other settings screens.
- "FileKey Set"
Radio buttons used to select one of the three keysets for
viewing. [Default: "Set 1".]
- "F1" through "F8"
A label (7 characters or less) and a string (33 characters or
less) specifying the label to display above the Fx key ("x" is
"1" through "8") and the filename or pathname string to replay
when the Fx key is pressed in a Goto, Open File, Save File, or
Insert File window. If you leave the label blank, the filename
part of the string will be used as the label. (File Open dialog screen image.) You can change
the pathname string while in one of those windows by entering
the desired pathname in the text part of the window and
pressing SHIFT-Fx. [Default: "*.*" in one of the labels of
each keyset, but otherwise blank.]
- "Set Assignments"
Radio buttons used to assign the three keysets to the various
built-in applications. You can change a keyset assignment
using the "+" and "-" keys while in a Goto, Open File, Save
File, or Insert File window. When in one of those windows, the
currently assigned keyset ("1", "2", or "3") is shown between
the F4 and F5 labels. (File Open dialog screen image.) [Defaults: "Set 1" for Memo, "Set 2" for
the four database applications, and "Set 3" for Calc, Filer,
and Macros.]
"Default Directories" Settings (screen image)
- Shows directory paths to be associated with the various applications.
While in an Open File, Save File, or Insert Filer window, DEL DEL will
cause movement into the specified directory. When in one of those
windows, SHIFT-DEL will set the current directory as the default.
[Default: "C:\_DAT\" for all applications.]
- "Macro Files (1st letter)"
This checkbox enables macro file logic which allows different
macro files to be assigned to each application. Use the
controls following this checkbox to specify the first letter of
the macro file that is assigned to each application. [New in
version 3.] If a designation is an upper case letter, that file
will be loaded and scanned at startup. Multiple macro file details. [Default: not checked (disabled).]
- "@boot.mac at startup"
[New in version 3.] If this checkbox is on, at startup Buddy
will load the macro file starting with `@' (e.g., "@BOOT.MAC")
if such a file exists in the default directory assigned to the
Macro application. Multiple macro file details. [Default: not
checked (disabled).]
"Keyboard Translations" Settings (screen image)
- "d-letter"
A group of settings for double-clicked letter keys as specified
- "Keycap"
A fixed list of the 26 letter keys.
- "Double-click"
The characters assigned to the letter keys for when they are
double-clicked. If you specify a space, the associated key
will not be tested for double-clicks, effectively disabling d-
letter for that key. [Default: The 26 upper-case letters.]
- "Inhibit after a lower-case letter"
A checkbox that specifies whether or not the letter keys are
tested for double-clicks if the previous character is a lower-
case letter. This checkbox prevents double-leTers that aPear
within a word from being converted to uPer case, as is haPeNing
in this sentence. [Default: checked (inhibit on).]
- "Memo" through "Add-ins"
Checkboxes that specify whether or not this feature is allowed
in the various applications. "DOS" enables the feature for any
and all DOS programs. "Add-ins" enables the feature in system
manager-compliant applications other than the built-ins. Note
that this feature may not work properly in all DOS and add-in
programs. Fn-L can be used in any enabled application to
toggle this feature on and off. [Default: only "Memo"
- "d-gray"
A group of settings for double-clicked letter keys as specified
- "Keycap"
A fixed list of the 15 participating gray keys.
- "Double-click"
The characters assigned to the gray keys for when they are
double-clicked. If you specify a space, the associated key
will not be tested for double-clicks, effectively disabling d-
gray for that key. [Default: the 15 shifted symbols normally
assigned to those keys, except for the period and equal sign
keys for which d-gray is disabled by specifying a space.]
- "Memo" through "Add-ins"
Checkboxes that specify whether or not this feature is allowed
in the various applications. "DOS" enables the feature for any
and all DOS programs. "Add-ins" enables the feature in system
manager-compliant applications other than the built-ins. Note
that this feature may not work properly in all DOS and add-in
programs. Fn-G can be used in any enabled application to
toggle this feature on and off. [Default: only "Memo"
- "d-click timer (18 per second)"
A value representing the maximum number of 0.055 second system
timer ticks allowed between two keystrokes in order for the two
keystrokes to be considered a double-click. This timer is used
for "d-letter," "d-gray," and d-blue." [Default: 10 ticks
(approximately 0.5 second).]
- "Change `\\' to a colon"
A checkbox that causes two consecutive backslashes to be
converted to a colon. This feature does NOT use the d-click
timer, and, if enabled, it is active in all applications.
[Default: checked (translation on).]
- "pregray"
A set a checkboxes that allow the associated gray key to be
promoted to its shifted symbol if the key is pressed prior to a
letter key. SmartCaps details. [Default: "*" checked.]
- "postgray"
A set a checkboxes that allow the associated gray key to be
promoted to its shifted symbol if the key is pressed following
a letter key. SmartCaps details. [Default: "3", "4", "5", "6", and "*"
- "Use my specified d-gray characters"
If this box is checked, SmartCaps will translate each gray key
to the character you have specified for that key in the d-gray
feature on the "Keyboard Translations" screen. If the
specified character is a space, then no translation will occur.
This feature could be used by international users to easily
obtain accented characters and umlauts. [Default: not checked
- "Reset state when toggled on (via Fn-S)"
A checkbox that determines if the SmartCaps state is reset
whenever it is re-enabled by pushing Fn-S. The reset state
will cause the next letter key to be treated as the start of a
new sentence. [Default: checked (Fn-S resets the state).]
- "'.' after white space toggles caps lock"
A checkbox that enables "AutoCaps," whereby a period appearing
immediately after a white-space character (space, tab, or
ENTER) will cause the caps lock state to be toggled. If you
really want a period in that situation, push it twice. If
AutoCaps is enabled, then d-letter will only operate on the
first letter of a word. [New in version 3]: This checkbox
also causes d-gray to be inhibited following a dot after white-
space. [Default: not checked (AutoCaps off).]
- "Force lower case after white space"
A checkbox that enables "auto lower case," whereby a white
space character (space, tab, or ENTER) will force the current
state to lower case. If the AutoCaps checkbox (above) is
checked, then lower case will only be forced if the upper case
state was set using the AutoCaps feature. [Default: not
checked (do not force lower case).]
- "Capitalize `i'"
International users might want to uncheck this box to prevent
SmartCaps from capitalizing the word `I'. If you do so, then
you can toggle this mode on and off internally. SmartCaps details. [Default: checked
- "Memo" through "DOS"
Checkboxes that specify whether or not this feature is allowed
in the various applications. "DOS" enables the feature for any
and all DOS programs. "Add-ins" enables the feature in system
manager-compliant applications other than the built-ins. Note
that this feature may not work properly in all DOS and add-in
programs. Fn-S can be used in any enabled application to
toggle this feature on and off. When SmartCaps is on in Memo
or Full Notes, the word "SmartCaps" will be displayed on
the title bar. [Default: only "Memo" checked.]
Radio buttons that specify how many consecutive ENTER
keystrokes will cause the SmartCaps state to be reset to "end
of sentence." If "0" is specified, then the ENTER key will
never cause end-of-sentence to be set. [Default: "2".]
"Blue-Key Controls" Settings (screen image)
- "Blue-key Remappings"
The keycodes generated by the blue keys may be altered in two
ways: by being double-clicked and by setting another keycode
for one or more of the unshifted blue keys as specified
- "d-blue"
A checkbox that enables the blue-key double-click logic. If
this box is checked, double-clicking a blue key will cause the
application assigned to the CTRL-version of that key to start.
This features utilizes the d-click timer value specified in the
Keyboard Translations settings. [Default: not checked (d-blue
- "FILER key" through "MORE key"
Eight edit windows that let you enter a hexadecimal keycode
that will be used instead of the code assigned to the blue key.
A "keycode" is a 16-bit value. The default values are:
Key | Keycode |
cc:MAIL | "ac00" (100LX only) |
FILER key | "a800" |
APPT | "b000" |
PHONE | "b400" |
MEMO | "b800" |
Quicken | "ac00" (200LX only) |
LOTUS | "bc00" |
CALC | "c000" |
MORE | "a400" |
To determine a keycode for a particular key, push Fn-K followed
buy the key of interest. The key's hexadecimal keycode will be
shown on the title bar. For example, Press Fn-K and then ALT-
F10. You should see the value "7100" appear on the title
Keycodes for some keys are:
Key, keycode | Key, keycode | Key, keycode |
| SHIFT-F1, 5400 | CTRL-F1, 5e00 |
ALT-F2, 6900 | SHIFT-F2, 5500 | CTRL-F2, 5f00 |
ALT-F3, 6a00 | SHIFT-F3, 5600 | CTRL-F3, 6000 |
ALT-F4, 6b00 | SHIFT-F4, 5700 | CTRL-F4, 6100 |
ALT-F5, 6c00 | SHIFT-F5, 5800 | CTRL-F5, 6200 |
ALT-F6, 6d00 | SHIFT-F6, 5900 | CTRL-F6, 6300 |
ALT-F7, 6e00 | SHIFT-F7, 5a00 | CTRL-F7, 6400 |
ALT-F8, 6f00 | SHIFT-F8, 5b00 | CTRL-F8, 6500 |
ALT-F9, 7000 | SHIFT-F9, 5c00 | CTRL-F9, 6600 |
ALT-F10, 7100 | SHIFT-F10, 5d00 | CTRL-F10, 6700 |
ALT-FILER, ab00 | ALT-MAIL, af00 | ALT-APPT, b300 |
ALT-PHONE, b700 | ALT-MEMO, bb00 | ALT-CALC, c300 |
ALT-LOTUS, bf00 | ALT-MORE, a700 | ALT-QUICKEN, af00 |
CTRL-FILER, ae00 | CTRL-MAIL, b200 | CTRL-APPT, b600 |
CTRL-PHONE, ba00 | CTRL-MEMO, be00 | CTRL-CALC, c600 |
CTRL-LOTUS, c200 | CTRL-MORE, aa00 | CTRL-QUICKEN, b200 |
- "Blue-Key Auto Inhibit"
A group of controls for the automatic shifting of the blue keys
when you are typing text.
- "Blue-key timer (seconds)"
The number of seconds after an alphanumeric or a text edit
during which the blue-key timer will run. If the timer is
running, pressing a blue key will cause the blue key to be
automatically shifted. If the timer is running, a "tornado"
character will appear on the title bar. [Default: 0 (timer
- "Memo" and "Full notes"
Checkboxes that enable the blue-key inhibit feature in Memo or
full-screen notes applications. [Default: only "Memo"
- "Swap Blues with Shifted-Symbols"
A group of controls for the automatic swapping of the blue-keys
and their shifted values.
- "Memo" through "Calc"
Checkboxes that specify whether or not this feature is allowed
in the various applications. [Default: none checked.]
- "Magnify key"
If you have Magnify! installed, set this control to the hotkey you
have specified to start Magnify!. [Default: 8500 (Fn-1).]
"Keyboard Preferences" Screen (screen image)
- "Sticky CTRL"
A checkbox that controls the "sticky" CTRL key logic. Buddy
bug alert: If this box is checked, pushing CTRL-SHIFT-SHIFT
will cause your arrow and gray keys to generate incorrect
codes. To correct this, push SHIFT-SHIFT. [Default: checked
(sticky CTRL).]
- "Sticky ALT"
A checkbox that controls the "sticky" ALT key logic. Caution:
because the ALT key is also used to call up menus, it may take
some practice to get used to this feature. [Default: not
checked (not sticky).].
- "Sticky SHIFT when highlight (Memo and Full Notes)"
A checkbox that controls the "sticky" SHIFT key text highlight
logic in Memo and full-screen notes. If you want to cancel the
text highlight mode, push ESC or double-click the SHIFT key.
Caution: it may take some practice to get used to this feature.
[Default: not checked (not sticky).]
- "Allow ESC ESC to mean "No""
A checkbox that controls whether or not two consecutive ESC
keystrokes is taken to mean "No" in those cases when you are
given "Yes, " No," and "Cancel" choices (e.g., after adding a
record in Phone). [Default: not checked (ESC ESC means ESC
- "Todo: +/- changes week"
[New in version 3] This checkbox changes the `+' and `-' key
functions in the Todo main view. If this checkbox is on, those
keys will change the date by one week. This was the normal
action in version 2. [Default: not checked (`-' will toggle
Todo status).]
- "Memo: Auto indent on ENTER"
Normally, the auto indent feature is triggered by CTRL-ENTER.
If this box is checked, then auto-indent will be the normal
action of the ENTER key, and CTRL-ENTER will do an ordinary new
line. [Default: not checked (CTRL-ENTER).]
- "Always use spaces"
The auto indent feature will normally use a combination of tabs
and spaces. This checkbox can be used to force auto indent to
be done only with spaces. [Default: not checked (use tabs and
- "Memo open: go to previous"
When you open a file, Buddy will automatically move the cursor
to the line where you were the previous time the file was seen.
Buddy uses the three "Bookmark" slots in the EXM to save the
file names, so the previous positions for at most only the
three most-recently-seen files are retained. [Default: not
checked (disabled).]
- "Memo open: go to end"
When you open a file, Buddy will take you to the end of the
file. The previous ("previous"!) checkbox will override this
feature if the file name and previous position are known.
[Default: not checked (disabled).]
- "Memo: latch PgUp, PgDn"
This checkbox will cause Fn-PgUp and Fn-PgDn to latch the Fn
key so that the up and down arrow keys alone will move by full
pages. To release this mode, push any other key. [Default:
not checked (disabled).]
- "Memo: MENO does Goto"
[New in version 3.] When Memo is active, this checkbox will
cause the MEMO key to take you to the "Goto" menu. This
feature does not operate if "swap blues with shifted-symbols"
is on in Memo. [Default: not checked (disabled).]
- "Idle keyboard timer (seconds)"
A value representing the number of seconds after which a
"Locating" operation in Filer or a database application will
cause an automatic ESC. This will restore the 100LX/200LX to a
standard state if the keyboard is idle. [Default: 5
- "Require MENU before Buddy Fn-letter keys"
A checkbox that controls whether or not the MENU key must be
pressed before Buddy will look for an Fn-letter keystroke as a
Buddy command (e.g., Fn-S, Fn-P). This is provided for
international users who have special characters assigned to
many of the Fn-letter keys. If this box is checked, you must
also push MENU before using ALT-PLUS and ALT-MINUS in DOS to
control the serial port. [Default: not checked (MENU key not
- "(Int'l) Normal Fn-A, Fn-I, Fn-N, Fn-T (accents), Fn-K"
International users might want to check this box to restore the
normal, built-in functions of these keys. [Default: not
checked (Buddy functions are assigned).]
- "(Int'l) Auto d-gray (if SmartCaps on and d-gray off)"
This checkbox allows you to change the character returned by a
single-click of a numeral key. This can be useful if you
frequently need accented characters, umlauts, or other symbols.
See "SmartCaps Features" for details. [Default: not checked
"Memo Bookmarks" Settings (screen image)
- "File"
The three file names that have been assigned to the bookmark
sets for the Memo application. These names are automatically
set when you push SHIFT-MENU-numeral in Memo. They are also
used by the automatic cursor positioning logic.
- "Freeze file name"
A checkbox that causes the associated bookmark set to be
reserved for the specified file. If this box is checked, the
associated bookmark set will not be reused for another file.
[Default: not checked (not frozen).]
- "Freeze bookmarks"
A checkbox that causes the associated bookmark values to be
frozen. If this box is checked, the associated bookmark values
will not be changed by SHIFT-MENU-numeral. If this box is
checked, then it would make sense to also check "Freeze file
name." [Default: not checked (not frozen).]
- "1:" through "9:"
The current line number saved for each of the bookmarks.
[Default: 100 through 900.]
"Filer Settings" Screen (screen image)
- "EXT"
Three extensions that are assigned special significance for the
Filer-to-application link. Wild cards ("?" and "*") are
- "DOS Program"
The program names for each of the three special extensions. If
a filename is highlighted in the Filer that has one of the
special extensions, when you push ENTER ENTER the specified DOS
program will be executed with the highlighted filename passed
as an argument. If the program name starts with "-", files
with the associated extension will be ignored by the Filer-to-
application link logic. The default action is to launch Memo (except in the case where FILER.INI is used on the 200LX -- details).
- ".BAT extension: ENTER executes"
A checkbox that controls what happens when you highlight a file
that has a "bat" extension and push ENTER. If this box is
checked, the ENTER key will cause the filename to be passed to
DOS and executed as a batch file (this is the normal sysmgr
action). If this box is not checked, ENTER will simply cause
the file to be viewed. If this box is not checked, you can
force the standard action (execution) by pushing CTRL-ENTER in
the Filer. Any file named "AUTOEXEC.BAT" will not be executed
by pushing ENTER, regardless of the EXM settings. [Default:
checked (execute BAT files).]
- "Lite Sleep Control (use with care)"
A checkbox that enables Lite Sleep control in the Filer. If
this box is checked, CTRL-L while in the Filer will toggle Lite
Sleep mode on and off. Caution: if Lite Sleep is turned off,
you may experience excessive battery drain. Use this feature
with caution. [Default: not checked (control off).]
- "DOS Key (hex)"
The hexadecimal keycode of the Filer hotkey that will call up a
specified DOS program with the highlighted filename passed as
an argument. To determine a keycode for a particular key, push
Fn-K followed by the key of interest. The key's hexadecimal
keycode will be shown on the title bar. For example, Press Fn-
K and then TAB. You should see the value "0f09" appear on the
title bar. If the "+ENTER" box is checked, the DOS hotkey
string will be followed by the ENTER keycode. [Default: "332c"
(the comma key).]
- "Pgm"
The program that the Filer hotkey will execute. [Default:
- "Use full pathname for passed args"
A checkbox that controls the format of the argument passed to
the (four) DOS programs used in the above features. If the box
is checked, the argument will include a drive and directory
specification, otherwise, just the filename will be used.
[Default: checked (use full pathname).]
- "+ENTER"
If this box is checked, the DOS hotkey string will be followed
by the ENTER keycode. [Default: checked.]
- "Use MENU O D"
This checkbox causes Buddy to start DOS via MENU O D (instead
of CTRL-123) when you push the DOS hotkey (normally comma) or
after ENTER while viewing a file with a specified "DOS"
extension (set elsewhere on this screen). These two methods
allocate different amounts of RAM to the DOS application. See
the HP manual for details. [Default: not checked (use CTRL-
- "Battery Usage Timer"
A push button that will reset the battery usage timer shown on
the main Filer, Application Manager, and HP Setup screens.
Push the "Reset" button
after you change or charge your main batteries.
- "Flash highlight"
If this box is checked, the battery voltage and timer
highlights will flash. [Default: not checked (steady).]
- "Highlight below (0.01 volts)"
This control specifies a time value under which the battery
voltage will be highlighted on the Filer title bar (Filer screen image). For
example, "310" will cause the battery voltage to be highlighted
when the voltage falls to or is below 3.10 volts. [Default:
220 (2.20 volts).]
- "Highlight above (0.01 hours)"
This control specifies a time value after which the battery
timer will be highlighted on the Filer title bar (Filer screen image). For example,
"450" will cause the battery timer to be highlighted after the
battery usage time value reaches 4.50 hours. [Default: 900
(9.00 hours).]
"Global Preferences" Settings (screen image)
- "Startup Defaults"
The specified features can be enabled at startup (boot) by
checking the appropriate boxes. [Default: d-letter, d-gray
- "AutoCalc: Numeral after power on"
Enables the AutoCalc logic which will automatically take you to
Calc if you push a numeral key or dot within 1.5 seconds of
turning the machine on. [Default: checked (AutoCalc on).]
- "AutoCalc: # in Phone(etc.), Filer"
Enables the AutoCalc logic which will automatically take you to
Calc if you push a numeral key from Filer, or push a numeral
key or dot from TOPCARD or a main screen of Phone, Database,
NoteTaker, WorldTime, or Appointment. [Default: checked
(AutoCalc on).]
- "Fn-Q also silences appt and timer alarms"
This checkbox determines whether or not an automatic Fn-W will
be performed to restore the beeper volume when an alarm occurs.
If this box is checked, then Fn-Q will silence keyboard beeps
and alarms. If this box is not checked, then you will hear the
next alarm, and then you must do another Fn-Q to (re)silence
the beeper. Note: custom sounds that do not include a volume
setting command will not cause an automatic Fn-W until the end
of the alarm. Fn-Q details. [Default:
not checked (alarms are not silenced by Fn-Q)]
- "Auto Fn-W timer (mins)"
This control lets you specify the number of minutes after which
you would like Buddy to perform an automatic Fn-W. This will
restore alarm beeps after you push Fn-Q. If you set this value
to zero, then Buddy will not do an automatic Fn-W. [Default:
zero (off).]
- "Maintain video invert mode (ON-/)"
If you push ON-slash, the video mode of the current screen will
be inverted. (That is a built-in feature of the machine.) If
this checkbox is on, then Buddy will maintain the video mode
even if you change screens. [Default: checked (maintain
inverted mode).]
- "Flashing alarm"
Turn this checkbox off to prevent Buddy from flashing the
display during an alarm. [Default: checked (flashing
- "Password"
If you push Fn-F, Buddy will power the machine down. When you
turn power back on, Buddy will lock the keyboard (and scramble
the display or show the TOPCARD) until you type this text
string and push ENTER. Case is important. If you forget your
password, you must cold boot your machine. Unless you are
entering a new password, the window will show asterisks instead
of the actual characters of your password. To prevent
unauthorized changing of your password, you must push `%'
before the EXM will allow you to access the password entry
line. Non-null passwords can only be specified in registered
copies of Buddy. [Default: null (no password required, just
press ENTER to resume normal operation).]
- "Require PW if off (mins)"
This control is a checkbox and a timer value. If the box is
checked and the time value is zero, then Buddy will prompt for
a password whenever you turn power on, regardless of how the
machine was turned off. Set a non-zero value to cause Buddy to
prompt for a password only if the specified number of minutes
has elapsed since power-off.
[Default: not checked (disabled).]
- "Prompt"
You can use this control to change the text of the default
password prompt.
- "Method: Scramble, TopCard, none"
Depending on this control setting, Buddy will scramble (most)
screens when the password is demanded, bring up the TOPCARD, or
do nothing except ask for a password. Password details.
[Default: scramble.]
- "Blow up the machine on cold boot"
This is for those of you who are REALLY paranoid about data
security. It's just a joke.
"Other Settings" Screen (screen image)
- "Large cursor in DOS"
A checkbox that will cause Buddy to enlarge the cursor when you
go to DOS. In some cases, if may be necessary to manually
reset the cursor to the large state by using Fn-C while in DOS.
[Default: checked (large cursor).]
- "Remove slashes through zeros"
Enables the removal of the slash through the middle of the zero
characters in the small- and medium-sized fonts. This makes a
"0" easier to distinguish from an "8". [Default: checked
(remove slashes).]
- "Unload Buddy when terminating sysmgr"
A checkbox that controls whether or not Buddy will remove
itself when you terminate sysmgr (via "MORE MENU a t ENTER" or
MENU-SHIFT-DEL). Even if this checkbox is not checked, you can
cause Buddy to remain loaded by pushing F8 instead of ENTER.
[Default: checked (unload Buddy).]
- "Use small font for Fn and Fx labels"
A checkbox that controls whether or not the character size for
Buddy-generated F-key labels is automatically determined based
on the number of characters in the label (thus using the small
font only if necessary) or if the small font should be used for
all labels. [Default: not checked (automatic font size).]
- "Fn-P/D/N: Use first word in note when linking"
A checkbox that controls whether or not the current word is
used when linking to Phone, Database, or NoteTaker via Fn-P,
Fn-D, or Fn-N. If this box is checked, then the current cursor
location is not significant. [Default: not checked (use word
at the current cursor location).]
- "Fn-P/D/N: Use Appt Description field when linking"
This checkbox will override the use of an appointment note when
linking to Phone. This mode allows you to create an
appointment from Phone (using Fn-A) and then quickly link back
later (using Fn-P) even if the note field is empty. [Default:
not checked (search note).]
- "Fn-P/D/N: Open record after linking"
If this checkbox is on, then Buddy will automatically open the
record after linking using Fn-P, Fn-D, or Fn-N. [Default: not
checked (do not open record).]
- "Lotus keyboard shortcuts and F-key labels"
Experienced Lotus users may find some of Buddy's shortcuts
unnecessary or confusing. This checkbox is provided to allow
such "purists" to turn off those features. This checkbox also
turns off the f-key labels. Use this checkbox if the
occasional conflict between Buddy and Lotus on the label line
drives you nuts. [Default: checked (shortcuts enabled).]
- "MENU-dot in Lotus; save using"
A pair of radio buttons that specify the action ("replace" or
"backup") to use when saving a file in Lotus 123. This action
is done as part of the automatic keystroke generation in Lotus
after pressing MENU dot or MENU u. [Default: "replace".]
- "Use Fn-CUT for delete EOL/SOL"
If this box is checked, then delete to end-of-line (CTRL-DEL)
and delete to start-of-line (CTRL-BACKARROW) in Memo and Full
Notes will save the deleted material to the clipboard instead
of tossing the text away. The previous contents of the
clipboard are overwritten. [Default: not checked (do not use
- "Appt: daily greeting time"
(200LX only) This control allows you to specify the appearance
time for the Appointment daily greeting. A change takes effect
"tomorrow." Use Fn-STAR to see the greeting on demand.
[Default: 12:00 midnight.]
"WorldTime Map Overlay" Settings (screen image)
(Note: these controls are only useful for registered copies of Buddy.)
- "Time zone (0.1 hours)"
The number of hours times 10 that the local city is from
Greenwich, England. [Default: 60 (6.0 hours, Central time
- "east"
A checkbox that indicates if the local city is east or west of
Greenwich.. United States times zones are west. [Default: not
checked (west).]
- "DST (summer time)"
A checkbox to indicate if the local city is on summer time
("daylight saving") or winter time ("standard"). [Default: not
checked (standard time).]
- "Auto TZ update after changing local city"
A checkbox that allows Buddy to automatically update the local
city's time zone, direction, and summer time controls
(described above) when you change the local city in the
WorldTime application. [Default: checked (automatic update
- "Delete this feature"
A checkbox that allows registered users to disable the map
overlay feature and in turn release the code and data space
used to implement the overlay. If you are short on system
memory, check this box to make Buddy smaller. Unregistered
copies do not show this control because, in that case, this system memory is
automatically released on boot. This checkbox does not affect
the size of BUDDY.COM on disk; it only causes BUDDY.COM to use
less space in system memory after it has been loaded. You must
reboot after changing this checkbox for the new state to become
effective. [Default: not checked (overlay feature remains in
memory for registered users).]
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Updated: March 26, 1997